Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A Video!

Hiya Everyone!
Yes, yes, I know I haven't posted in SO long, but the truth is, I had a bunch of recipes, all with the pictures, prepared for the blog, but I never really got around to posting them. This is mainly because I'm just feeling extremely tired and overwhelmed these days.

But, I found the time to make this short, sweet YouTube video, on a really awesome recipe I hope all of you would like to try out, because I assure you, it is amazing! Its the absolute perfect cookie, with the sweet crunchiness on the outside, and the perfect amount of chewiness on the inside, with bits of melted chocolate scattered throughout.

I hope you enjoy the video, and I hope you can forgive me, and you can understand, that I kept this a short post, because I'm still very stressed, and I just want some time to relax a little, then, hopefully, I will be back, and be able to post regularly.

But in the meantime, here is the link to the video! I'd really appreciate if you could check it out :)
